Top Ten Themes For Mother’s Day 2020

A little levity for difficult times. . . . 1. BYOEverything (and Stay Six Feet Away) 2. Mimosa Day! 3. Doing What’s Most Important: Not Being Together 4. Show Mom You Care by Washing Your Hands 5. Support Local (Spas and Jewelry Stores) 6. Take-out Breakfast In Bed 7. Going Out! (To the Yard) Read more
Top Ten Signs of COVID-19 Quarantine Fatigue

A little levity for difficult times. . . . 1. Pretty sure the gas pedal is the one on the right 2. Answer telemarketer calls just in case it’s important 3. Limit weeknight television to six hours 4. Struggle to decide which mask brings out the color of your eyes 5. The kids ask Read more
Top Ten Signs The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Made Us Smarter

A little levity for difficult times. . . . 1. A new vocabulary derived from “quarantine” 2. Able to complete medical appointments in five minutes 3. Know how to make our own coffee 4. Stopped ironing 5. Wash hands like a surgeon 6. Can pack a full day of work into four hours 7. Read more
Top Ten Things We Wanted Before COVID-19

A little levity for difficult times. . . . 1. Work-from-home 2. Fewer streaming services 3. More time together 4. Dress pants 5. Travel 6. Less eating out 7. A smaller home 8. A change in routine 9. Some down time 10. Less technology
Top Ten Realizations Since COVID-19

A little levity for difficult times. . . . 1. Our smartphones can be used for talking 2. I could never be a doctor or nurse 3. Surfaces in public spaces are disgusting 4. Teachers and childcare workers are underpaid 5. Shaking hands–why? 6. Some of the jobs we value the least are the ones Read more