To Be or Not to Be Powerful

Power. We commend it in those we admire, and we criticize it in those we attack. We grasp for more when we feel dominated, then we hide what we have when we feel dominating. We root for underdogs and scold power grabbers, yet we also value winners over losers. In other words, we experience Read more
The Fear of Plummeting from a Cloud Forest (and Updating a Website)

Case, fearless on the zip line course If you share my fear of heights, you know the dizziness of standing next to a wall of windows several stories above ground. Or the gut-punch of finding yourself dangling atop a stalled Ferris wheel. At best, it’s unsettling. At worst, it’s harrowing. Lately, I’ve experienced this Read more
Fall Into You

For many in the Northeast, fall is a time to nest. After a few months of fun in the sun, we become more pragmatic, consciously or unconsciously preparing ourselves for the long winter ahead. We store food, prepare our yards, seal our windows, change our tires. If we’re lucky we start planning vacations. Read more
Give to Succeed

Giving to others makes them feel good. We know that. Many of us recognize that giving is fulfilling for ourselves too–whether it’s the act of helping another or the resulting recognition, we often receive an intrinsic or extrinsic reward. But what about giving as a business strategy? Not disingenuous giveaways or quid pro Read more
Writing Potential

For most of my childhood and adolescence I wanted to be a writer. While my top choices were (1) eccentric novelist living in Paris, (2) prolific Rolling Stone reporter, or (3) jet-set Condé Nast travel writer, I would have settled for being a newspaper journalist. My parents were willing to pay for college tuition, but Read more