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Some thoughts for thriving

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Sometimes a simple reminder, a new tip, or a fresh perspective provides the nudge you need to get unstuck. For a decade, I’ve published Thrive Potential’s blog to share insights, struggles, and successes to help professionals thrive at work and in life. From topical to timeless, these posts aim to affirm and inform, while being concise and engaging.

If you want to catch new content as I publish it (sometimes monthly, sometimes less), join the Thrive Potential network and I’ll send it your way.
Thriving at WORK

Who Could Follow You?

One way to evaluate leaders is to look at their followers. Take this extreme example: Holland Reynolds, a skinny high school runner who became a source

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notebook and pen
Thriving at WORK

Writing Potential

For most of my childhood and adolescence I wanted to be a writer. While my top choices were (1) eccentric novelist living in Paris, (2)

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Thriving WITHIN

The Journey

One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice— though the whole

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spinning wheel with lights and arrows
Thriving at WORK

Re-examine your to-do list

Are you focusing on what’s most important? In our quest to succeed, sometimes we ignore the basics, operating in a tactical world that is disconnected

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Struggling to Thrive?

A lot of the challenges that make work and life difficult are caused by factors beyond our control. But not all of them. Sometimes, in our rush for results and focus on fabulosity, we end up making things harder than they need to be.

I put together this simple quiz to provide a quick reality check and some actionable ideas to help you thrive. Check it out.