Thriving in 2018: Rewrite Your Job Description

If you won the lottery, would you stop working? How you answer this question depends in great part on how you think of your work. Is it a job? If so, you would probably quit if you could. If it’s a career, you may consider keeping it. If it’s a calling, you’re likely to hold Read more

Thriving in 2018: Have Fun

woman jumping with arms high

Earlier this month I visited a friend and former colleague. She’s a successful leader who recently relocated as part of a cross-country move. Like other thriving professionals, she is motivated, productive, collaborative, and fulfilled. But, if I had to name a single defining characteristic of her success, it would be her propensity to have fun. Read more

Thriving in 2018: Just Breathe

temple in the mist

How do you respond to the idea of doing nothing? Does it feel like a passive state to which you easily default, happily surrendering your efforts to do? Or does it feel like an effort, a list of actions that must be completed before you are able to not do? In either case, doing nothing Read more

Thriving in 2018: Ask For And Grow From Feedback

bamboo growing

Despite the credence of 360 reviews and the value generally ascribed to leaders who ask for, accept, and grow from feedback, many of us unconsciously avoid or consciously steer clear from soliciting new perspectives. Sure, hearing how others experience you can feel uncomfortable—but it also provides invaluable opportunities to learn and grow. How to Ask Read more

Thriving in 2018: Give the Gift of Feedback

gift with growing plant

It’s feedback season in COMM-253 at RIT. And every student in the professional communication class is giving and receiving. This is my favorite time of the semester. Seeing honest praise and constructive criticism circulated thoughtfully makes me feel like the facilitator of a gift exchange. While I too am contributing thoughts and impressions, I am the Read more

Struggling to Thrive?

A lot of the challenges that make work and life difficult are caused by factors beyond our control. But not all of them. Sometimes, in our rush for results and focus on fabulosity, we end up making things harder than they need to be.

I put together this simple quiz to provide a quick reality check and some actionable ideas to help you thrive. Check it out.