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Integrate Passion Into Your Career


Of the many traits that separate those who are thriving from those who aren’t, passion is perhaps the most significant. Think about people whose commitment to work or clarity in purpose propels them. They are motivated, productive, fulfilled. They love what they are doing.


Of course we can’t always do what we love, but we can maximize our happiness by paying attention to and thoughtfully pursuing what we are most passionate about. When we do what we love, we can achieve our full potential.

Here are some ways to integrate passion into your career and beyond:

Determine what you are passionate about. If it helps, use the Passion Test approach and complete this phrase: When my life is ideal, I am _______________. If needed, use self-awareness to monitor when you feel energized (i.e., fulfilled) and when you feel drained (i.e., not fulfilled).


Name the things you love. Get comfortable with them. Confidently say, “I love _______”! Validate your passions and they will become a stronger force in your life.


Make time to do what you love. Some of us have been able to turn our passions into careers. Others may supplement work with what they truly love. In either case, we can enhance our happiness by making passion a priority. Setting specific goals for pursuing our passions can help us hold ourselves accountable.


Living a passionate life is a continuous process of identifying and seizing opportunities. It’s our chance to do what matters most to us, be great at it, and achieve happiness.

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