LET GO. Decide to let go of something negative. The more you hate something, the more you are bound to it; the more you love it, the freer you are.
SHARE THE LOVE. Give someone positive feedback–a family member, a customer service representative, an acquaintance. It will feel empowering to both of you.
BREAK YOUR ROUTINE. Take time out of your regular schedule to do something just for you. Take a walk, read a book, make a playlist or sit and write.
GET PERSPECTIVE. Ask someone you just worked with for feedback. What did they like most about working with you? How could you have been a more effective collaborator? Write it down. Keep it.
TAKE CHARGE. Don’t let the things you can’t do interfere with those you can. Identify one goal that’s been difficult to achieve and list the top things that are getting in your way. Cross out the obstacles that are 100% out of your control, and challenge yourself to tackle the ones that remain. Start with the easiest ones first to give yourself some quick wins.
CELEBRATE. Take some time off from self critique and focusing on others to appreciate your strengths. Write down 20 areas where you rock. If it’s hard, don’t give up. If it’s easy, keep going. Read the list. Read it again, acknowledging each of the examples of how you are remarkable.