I had a good week: I met a new acquaintance for coffee and developed the beginning of a friendship. A school administrator pledged her support and helped create an opportunity for me to work with her students. I invited a financial planner friend to my house so I could begin to transfer investments to her oversight. She was immediately helpful.
My 17-year-old daughter and I discussed—and agreed on—college plans and I was able to help her solve some tricky SAT practice questions. A neighbor dropped off soup, knowing I wasn’t feeling well. Another neighbor checked in on me. I had the final meeting with a coaching client and she told me, “I definitely couldn’t have done this without you.”
Appreciating these women who made my week so meaningful seems a fitting acknowledgment for today, International Women’s Day. For more than 100 years March 8 has been an occasion to show respect, admiration and support for women around the world. Thousands of organized events are underway. Some are half way across the globe, while others are close to home. Regardless of our involvement in these activities, we can all pause for some type of celebration.
This is my pause for appreciation: Thank you to every person who has supported my efforts to help women and teen girls realize their potential. To the individuals who have participated in my workshops or worked with me as your coach, your willingness to confront reality and push yourselves forward is remarkable. To the brave girls who willingly share their struggles and to the powerful women who persevere through the most difficult of life’s challenges, you make me especially grateful for the work I do.
Thanks, Miranda. Thank you for all your love and support for so many years. I always know I can count on you for being real. And honest. And I appreciate that a lot. I love you very much!