Loving What Is

Category: Thriving WITHINAuthor: Byron KatieCategory: Thriving WITHINPublished: 2003-12-01Introducing an innovative four-pronged approach to self-liberation, this intriguing guide shows how to dissolve the debilitating stories we tell ourselves, which in turn allows the truth of “what is” to give rise to a life of new fulfillment and happiness. Reprint. 30,000 first printing.

You Just Don’t Understand

Category: Thriving as a WORLDAuthor: Deborah TannenCategory: Thriving as a WORLDPublished: 2001-07-24Women and men live in different worlds…made of different words. Spending nearly four years on the New York Times bestseller list, including eight months at number one, You Just Don’t Understand is a true cultural and intellectual phenomenon. This is the book that brought Read more

Getting to Yes

Category: Thriving at WORKAuthor: Roger FisherCategory: Thriving at WORKPublished: 1991Describes a method of negotiation that isolates problems, focuses on interests, creates new options, and uses objective criteria to help two parties reach an agreement

Fierce Conversations

Category: Thriving at WORKAuthor: Susan ScottCategory: Thriving at WORKPublished: 2004-01-01Shows how to make the most of conversations by communicating clearly and forcefully, offering advice on how to overcome barriers to meaningful conversation, confront tough issues, and leverage new skills for frictionless debate.

Deep Change

Category: Thriving WITHINAuthor: Robert E. QuinnCategory: Thriving WITHINPublished: 1996-08-14While its title may sound reminiscent of a Saturday Night Live talkshow skit, Deep Change is anything but silly. Robert Quinn masterfully appeals to our struggles for professional fulfillment, shares strategies for transforming our way of thinking, explains how to create change across organizations, and does it Read more

Struggling to Thrive?

A lot of the challenges that make work and life difficult are caused by factors beyond our control. But not all of them. Sometimes, in our rush for results and focus on fabulosity, we end up making things harder than they need to be.

I put together this simple quiz to provide a quick reality check and some actionable ideas to help you thrive. Check it out.